RRHH Lowres

Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management

  • 60 ECTS
  • 200
  • Intake 2024

Master's Degree in Human Resources and Talent Management

EAE Barcelona Business School


Through our Master's degree in Human Resources and Talent Management in Barcelona, we train professionals to transform the department that manages a company’s most important resource: people. 

This programme has been designed to meet all the needs of the HR sector, taking into account the most recent technological and organisational trends and addressing talent attraction, retention and employer branding. 

The students in this Master will be able to efficiently tackle the current needs and challenges through the use of strategies that are centred around people and with a clear focus on the achievement of corporate goals, while simultaneously contributing to the development of talent in the human teams they lead.

Full Time
On-site classes

10 Months

From Monday to Thursday and two Fridays a month (intensive morning hours)

Official Degree

Master's degree in Human Resources and Talent Management by Universitat de Lleida (UdL).

Check here the Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT).

Full Time 60 ECTS
Spanish or English

Study Programme


Global and strategic people management - 6 ECTS

  • Organization of the human resources function for value provision: human resources organisational models
  • Human capital as a source of competitive advantage: an intellectual capital perspective of human resources strategies and practices
  • Global strategies in the field of human resources
  • Key elements for the success of a human resources strategy in a global company
  • Formulation and implementation of HR objectives and strategies


Labour laws and the future of work  - 6 ECTS

  • Introduction to labour law
  • Individual labour relations: worker concept and fundamental social rights
  • Collective labour relations: integral parts and collective bargaining. Internationalization of collective labour relations
  • The enterprise, the exercise of managerial power, flexibility measures and changes in working conditions
  • Essential elements of the employment relationship: working time (duration and distribution)
  • Essential elements of the employment relationship: remuneration
  • Interruption of the employment contract: different forms of termination of the employment contract
  • Safety and health at work
  • Future of work: current trends in people management


Decision making in HR: finance and HR metrics  - 6 ECTS

  • Finance and macroeconomics
  • The financial system
  • Introduction to the financial management of the company
  • Analysis of financial statements
  • Analysis of profitability
  • Cost and budget process analysis
  • The HR Balanced Scorecard (CMI): how to integrate CMI into the company’s strategy
  • Integrated HR management indicators
  • Decision-making based on management indicators
  • Big data and decision-making in Human Resources
  • Management of intangibles


    3rd MODULE

    Leadership, Team Building and Coaching - 6 ECTS

    • The importance of well-leading people
    • Leadership models
    • Self-knowledge and self-assessment for the development of management skills
    • Persuasive, inspirational and influential communication
    • Teambuilding and high performance teams


    Labour Well-being, Change Management and Healthy Organizations - 6 ECTS

    • Types of leadership
    • Communication as a management lever: moral authority, communication and trust for conflict resolution
    • Leadership in uncertain times
    • Creating efficient teams
    • Tools for self-knowledge and team knowledge
    • Team overview and relationship with the environment
    • Virtual Equipment
    • Introduction to Coaching and its influences
    • Coaching as a methodology of change and transformation and its use in HR


    Workplace well-being, change management, and healthy organizations - 6 ECTS

    • Healthy organization building methodologies
    • Management of change
    • Appreciative Inquiry (IA) 
    • Intervention and programs for improving health
    • Compensation and benefits that improve the quality of working life
    • Job welfare through talent development
      2nd MODULE

      Human capital work cycle management  - 6 ECTS

      • HR challenges in the 21st century
      • Integrated HR management, role, and positioning of the talent specialist within strategic talent management (GET): towards the true role of a strategic partner to business, processes, and digital tools
      • Recruitment strategy: process and digital selection tools
      • Recruitment and selection by competencies and values: job description, skills map, and values code for diversity, equity, and inclusion in selection processes
      • Organizational socialization, reception plans, decoupling, and relocation for the planning and design of the communication plan


      Talent management - 6 ECTS

      • Management of talent
      • Training of talent
      • Talent development within the company


      Compensation systems - 6 ECTS

      • Principles of wage hygiene 
      • Tools to perform the analysis, diagnosis, and action plan in retributive matters
      • Fundamentals of emotional salary and employee experience as a management tool

        12 ECTS

        This is far more than just a research project required to gain a Master qualification. It is the optimal time and place to combine all your academic experience, professional ambition, personal vision and creativity. It is your opportunity to put all the knowledge and skills you have acquired into practice and work towards the goals you set yourself. More info.

        Master's Director


        Míriam Diez Piñol. PhD in Psychology, specialised in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources. She has worked in the fields of education, coaching and executive development for more than 20 years.




        Key Points

        1. Change management

        You will drive and manage change applying new technologies with the aim of boosting the growth of the organization through effective human capital management.

        2. Leadership and impact

        You will specialize in HR and talent management you developing you analytical competencies, executive skills and critical thinking to create impact in the organization. 

        3. Decision-making

        Through a practical approach, you will learn concepts and tools for effective decision-making that will facilitate a strategic design that sets you apart in HR.


        • Ed universal

          #2 Spain & #25 Europe


        • EAE Barcelona Business School

          #8 Spain


        • el mundo

          #1 Spain


        We’ve got your back from even before you get started

        Expert and personalised advice on the most highly demanded profiles in the marketplace. We guide you professionally based on your profile and goals in order to help you choose the path with the greatest professional impact.


        What does the admission process for a Master involve?

        •  Solicitud inicial de información/admisión

          Tras completarla, te asignaremos a uno de nuestros asesores expertos, que se pondrá en contacto contigo.

        • Entrevista con admisiones

          Estudiaremos tu perfil profesional y académico y, conjuntamente, valoraremos la idoneidad de avanzar hacia un nivel Máster en base a tus objetivos profesionales. 

        • Presentación formal de candidatura

          ¿Qué documentos necesito para solicitar la admisión a un máster? Deberás hacernos llegar la siguiente documentación, que analizaremos y verificaremos para redactar tu informe de Admisiones: 

          • CV actualizado
          • Carta de motivación
          • Carta de recomendación académica y/o profesional
          • Certificado última titulación obtenida o en curso
          • Test de admisión (en caso de requerirlo)
          • Certificado idioma (en caso de requerirlo)
        • Comité de admisiones

          Tu asesor será el encargado de defender tu candidatura ante el Comité.

        • Resolución del proceso

          Te comunicaremos el resultado del proceso.

        • Reserva y asignación de plaza

          Tendrás entre 3 y 5 días para realizar el abono de la inscripción.


        FT Inglés - MKT y Gestión Comercial

        2 years Average Experience

        81% International Participants

        25 Nationalities


        There are many professional paths you can choose and we’ll be there, right next to you, no matter which one you choose

        You will get a tailor-made career plan from our Careers department and our Entrepreneur department, with personalised services for academic training and guidance that will multiply your professional opportunities and extend them to any country in the world.


        • Human Resources Director
        • Learning and Development Manager 
        • Leadership Manager
        • Head of Employer Branding
        • Headhunter
        • Head of Motivation and Participation Programmes

        El éxito de tu carrera comienza aquí.

        En nuestro Career Development Center y Hub de Emprendimiento, recibirás asesoramiento personalizado y formación a medida para potenciar tu empleabilidad. No importa el camino que elijas, te ayudamos a llegar lejos y a expandir tus oportunidades a nivel internacional

        Las cifras nos respaldan

        Crece el salario de los alumnos
        Cambia de empleo antes de graduarse
        Quiere emprender

        Request information

        EAE Institución Superior de Formación Universitaria, S.L. will process your personal information in order to contact you, including contact by electronic means (WhatsApp and/or email) and by telephone, and in order to inform you about your program of choice for the upcoming two terms. Your data will be deleted once this information has been provided and/or once the aforementioned call for applications period has elapsed.

        You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE Institución Superior de Formación Universitaria, S.L., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

        Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, Avda. Diagonal 662-664, 08034 Barcelona.