Top10 Emprendedoras II Edicion 2023

EAE Business School Barcelona holds the awards ceremony for the Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs

EAE Business School Barcelona holds the awards ceremony for the Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs

The award ceremony was held yesterday in the Ágora Hall of EAE Business School Barcelona with the finalists and many members of the jury attending,

With the support of 86% of the jury, Elisabet Del Valle was named the best female entrepreneur in Catalonia with Onalabs Inno Hubs, which develops, manufactures and sells medical devices that monitor people’s health using their skin and sweat.

EAE Business School Barcelona, owned by Planeta Formación y Universidades, held an award ceremony yesterday in the Ágora Hall of EAE’s Calle Aragó Campus in honour of the 10 finalists of the EAE Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia, a ranking that strives to give recognition to women whose startups innovate, provide solutions to the needs of the market, and generate value for society. The event was attended by many members of the jury, who presented the awards to the winners.

Elisabet Del Valle (Top 1) received her award for taking the top spot on EAE’s Top 10 ranking, which was presented to her by Juan Baselga, the Partnership and Institutional Relations Director of Tech Barcelona. Del Valle’s company Onalabs Inno Hubs develops, manufactures and sells medical devices that monitor people’s health using their skin and sweat.

“It gives me great pleasure to receive this award and it is a double honour because I took a Master in Executive Skills at EAE, which is an absolute must for the adventure of launching an entrepreneurial project. I learned the importance of active listening, understanding people beyond what their words are saying, and teamwork, because we are all different but complement each other. I also discovered the importance of knowing yourself and self-leadership”, explained the winner of the EAE Top 10 ranking of female entrepreneurs in Catalonia.

The other entrepreneurs to make it to the final were Marta Barrachina (in 2nd place), the CEO and Co-Founder of Admit Therapeutics; Judit Camargo (3rd), the Founder and General Manager of Roka Furadada; Noemí Balà (4th), the CTO and Co-Founder of Aortyx; Talía Bonmatí (5th), the Founder and CEO of Dindong Tech - DinBest; Katrina Walker (6th), the CEO and Founder of CodeOp; Françoise de Valera (7th), the Co-Founder of Pack2Earth; Mar Masulli (8th), the CEO and Co-Founder of Bitmetrics; María del Camino Calleja García (9th), the Co-Founder and CMO of YUP; and Judith Bayes Cadena (10th), the Founder and CEO of Tramit Smart App.

Ganadora Top10 Emprendedoras

At the event, the CEO of Tech Barcelona, Miquel Martí, speaking on behalf of the jury, underlined the importance of “enhancing the visibility of female entrepreneurs”, although he regretted that “we are still at a stage when that is necessary”. “Raising the visibility of women accelerates progress towards equality because it normalizes their presence in all sectors and disciplines, creates role models for future generations and promotes models of diverse leadership, as well as boosting women’s careers. The projects selected for the Top 10 are a great demonstration of the direction we want the world to move in and the pillars on which we want to build our economy: models with a technological base that aim to impact people’s lives through health, sustainability, mobility and reinventing urban space”, he explained.

The jury that picked the EAE Top 10 female entrepreneurs was formed of institutions such as Acció, Barcelona Activa, Foment del Treball, Tech Barcelona, Mobile World Capital Barcelona, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Pimec, Zona Franca, Fundació La Caixa, Business Angels, investors, and journalists specializing in innovation, among others.

At the award ceremony, EAE also presented the conclusions of its Survey on Female Entrepreneurship in Catalonia, a report that aims to become a leading study of reference on this topic, developed with the support of more that 50 partners in the Catalana entrepreneurial ecosystem. The conclusions were presented by Pilar Pérez Navarro, the author of the report and Director of the Master In Psychology and Consumer Behaviour at EAE Business School Barcelona.

The Director General of EAE Business School Barcelona, José Luis Fernández, welcomed the audience to the event, while the Vice-Dean and Women Initiative Ambassador, Cristina Tomàs, brought the event to a close.